Date: November 18, 2020 TIME: 09:00 & 19:30
Meeting will be conducted via Zoom
What is on the AGENDA:
General Union Business
Nominations for upcoming elections.
Positions up for elections are: President, 2ndVice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Equality Officer, Stewards x 3, Trustee, WSIB Representatives x 2
Notice of intention for proposed changes to the Local Bylaws To be approved by the membership:
1. Change wording of Aboriginal to Indigenous
2. A member may not hold an elected position of Union Executive officer, steward, or any appointed position in CUPE911 while simultaneously holding a management position, this includes temporary or expression of interest supervisor positions.
3. Change GMM meetings: General Membership meeting of Local 911 shall be held in a central location, for a minimum of six (6) meetings per calendar year. A calendar of General Membership meetings will be established by Executive Board and published by the November General Membership meeting. General Membership meetings shall begin promptly at the time as stated on the notice. The meeting will adjourn no later than three (3) hours from the start of the meeting, except where a 2/3 majority vote of the members present express a desire to continue. When a situation beyond the control of the Local Union arises which causes the cancellation of a regular membership meeting, the Executive Board shall reschedule the General Membership meeting, and will give members seven (7) days notice of the date of the rescheduled General Membership meeting.
4.Temporary Leave for Executive Board: Should an Executive Board Member need to take a temporary leave of action due to an illness or personal reasons, their office may be appointed by the Executive Board for a maximum of three (3) months, to be reviewed at the three (3) month mark if required. Honoraria will be paid out and pro rated as necessary at the end of the year in question.
We will also be looking for Union members who would like to be an Election Officer and members on the Election Committee. These positions require multiple tasks and may be time consuming. Please look at the Bylaws for the requirements of this position.
If you are interested in the Election Officer / Committee, please send an email to or
If you require any more details or information please contact at the emails above.
In Solidarity,
Randy Harrison
CUPE911 Secretary